Everything about our dogs

We have been breeding German Shepherds for four generations. My father already had this hobby, so I grew up with dogs myself.

He first gave me a dwarf spitz, to which I taught to get sticks and searach and follow traces. Shepherd dogs, however, are better suited and very docile.

For this reason our family only breeds dogs of this breed.
From my father Werner Knorr (Zwinger vom Tümmelsberg) I inherited not only the manual skills but also the great love for dogs. As long as I can remember there are barking, running, playing and watchful four-legged friends in the family. But why shepherd dogs? Unlike all the others, they have retained their original beauty almost unchanged. Furthermore, my father bought a shepherd dog instead of any other dog.

Werner Knorr Senior suffered from polio when he was a boy and could not play football like his friends. Holding a dog was possible and therefore helpful. At the age of 88, Werner Knorr, who had founded the Kraftsdorf branch of the Association for German Shepherds, died in 1945. With his first German shepherd dog Zita vom Grumsgraben he took part four times in zone winner’s tests. In 1948 he became vice-zone winner.

His son, grandson and great-grandson continue his hobby now. Under the kennel name “vom Steinbusch” I breed and train German Shepherds. For me the guiding principle of the founder of the German Shepherd Association “Rittmeister Max von Stephanitz” always applies: “Shepherd dog breeding is working dog breeding, otherwise it is not sheep dog breeding”.
Already in the GDR times we took part in many comparative fights, district championships, district championships and GDR championships.

Since the reunification of Germany we achieved our greatest successes! I took part in BSP five times and BFH four times, some of them with very good results.
Stephanie Knorr, my wife, was also successful at various national events.


My daughter Peggy Wollmann (born Knorr) breeds German shepherd dogs under the kennel name “von der Sperlingsbucht”. She has won several master honors. Their greatest successes during the GDR era were the GDR youth championship titles in 1988 and the vice-youth championship titles in 1989.


She took part in the DJJM (and also Süddeutsche JJM), BSP and BFH very successfully several times.

The son-in-law Enrico Wollmann was also infected by this “virus”. He has participated successfully in several state championships and the Federal FCI on several occasions.

The youngest daughter also follows in the footsteps of her successful family. Tanja Töpel (born Knorr) breeds German Shepherd dogs under the kennel name “von der Kraftsdorfer Flur”. She has also won several championships and won titles and first places in various dog sports competitions.

My greatest pride: My granddaughter Charlene (8 years) led my 9-year-old bitch “Zentra vom Steinbusch” to the DJJM in Meppen in 2010 as the youngest participant and took 5th place at the DJJM 2011 in the Lutherstadt Eisleben with my 5-year-old dog “Om vom Steinbusch” she won the 2nd place with 286 points “excellent”.

I don’t just pass my knowledge on to the family. I also support the young people of our OG with success:

Nicole Jost (South German JJM) – “Nixe vom Steinbusch”
Nadine Brenzel (South German JJM) – “Quelle von Grüna”.
Stephanie Menzel (South German JJM) – “Kenny von der Jungfernbrücke
Stephanie Menzel (JJM) – “Andy von der Sperlingsbucht”.
Stephanie Menzel (LGJJM) – “Nora vom Tümmelsberg”, Ypsi vom Steinbusch”.
Nicole Taubert (DJMM) – “Biene von der Sperlingsbucht”
Nicole Taubert (LGJJM) – “Ypsi vom Steinbusch”,”Zola vom Steinbusch”,”Flori vom Tümmelsberg”.
Susann Burgold (LGJJJM + LGFH) – “Usti vom Steinbusch”.
Anke Weise (DJJM) – “Inca vom Steinbusch”
Nicki Seidel (DJJM) – “Eika vom Steinbusch”.
Andreas Scheffel (DJJM + BSP) – “Gino vom Steinbusch”.
Anne Taubert (DJJM + BFH) – “Dean von der Kraftsdorfer Flur”
Anne Taubert (LGA + LGJJM) – “Mercedes vom Steinbusch”.
Katharina Menzel (BSP, DJJM) – “Gini von der Sperlingsbucht”.


Our trademarks are dogs with a lot of pure Eastern blood!
Only with self bred and self trained dogs we have achieved the breeding and sport successes and we want to achieve also in the future.
It would be great to be one of the best participants in the World Championships at some point. This will probably remain a big dream, but it is also a particularly beautiful one. 🙂